Learn the language of force-free training
A verbal or hand signal to communicate a request to the dog.
Something that is competing for your dog’s attention, whether it be sound, smell, or sight. Using varying levels of distraction in training helps build a reliable behavior
The amount of time a behavior is performed. This is one of the three variables used to proof a behavior.
Activities that fulfill your dog’s instinctual needs: chasing, tugging, digging, chewing, licking, shredding, and sniffing
The person working with the dog, usually the dog guardian.
Learned helplessness
When a dog emotionally shuts down after being exposed to aversive training methods.
Using food, your hand, or a combination of both to guide the dog into a position. This is a helpful first step in training a new behavior but should be faded out as quickly as possible.
A way of communicating to the dog the exact moment they performed the desired behavior. A marker can be verbal: “yes!” or “good!” or “X!”. A marker can also be a clicker or the sound of a click from a pen. A marker is important because it is quick, concise, and consistent.
Positive reinforcement
Of the four quadrants of learning, positive reinforcement utilizes capturing and rewarding desired behavior. As for undesired behavior, the least intrusive and minimally aversive (LIMA) approach is used. This can mean setting up the environment to make the desired behavior more probable or the unwanted behavior less probable (also called management). By setting up our dogs for success, they are able to learn more quickly and without emotional fallout.
Premack Principle
The theory that more probable behaviors can be reinforcement for less preferred behaviors. An example would be asking your dog to come (less desired behavior) before releasing them back to run and play (highly desired behavior). (Also called “life rewards”)
Reinforcers can be many things but they are always something the dog wants. Food is the most commonly used but toys (or play) and the environment (premack principle) can also be reinforcers. Find what motivates your dog!
Something that motivates your dog (usually food) and can be delivered promptly to reinforce a desired behavior, or just because.
A hand gesture to communicate a request to your dog. Usually this will stem from the lure gesture that used to first train the behavior.